The Lecture Breakers podcast is the place where educators share innovative teaching strategies to help you break up your lecture, energize your classroom, increase student engagement, and improve learning.

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What listeners are saying

"5 out of 5 stars! Practical, relevant, and creative ideas I can immediately use in my courses." 

"The Lecture Breakers podcast not only offers concrete, practical strategies for improving teaching and learning, but also inspiring, "big picture" conversations about pedagogy. Definitely a #MustListen!"  

 "My favorite podcast about teaching!"

"I love learning from other colleagues and draw inspiration from hearing their successes and struggles. It reminds me that I'm not alone in my challenges as an educator."  

"I find it encouraging to hear the voices of others committed to active learning.

Dr. Barbi Honeycutt is the host of the Lecture Breakers podcast and Virtual Summer Conference. She is on a mission to inspire educators to transform their teaching by “breaking up” their lectures and creating experiences that engage students and improve learning.

In addition to the podcast, Barbi designs and facilitates online professional development programs, audio courses, and virtual events for educators who want to learn how to create effective and engaging learning experiences. She has published several scholarly articles and seven books, and she has been invited as a pre-conference workshop speaker and keynote speaker for local, national, and international teaching and learning conferences. Learn more: